
Full-stack CRUD application for campsite listings and reviews.


  • JavaScript
  • BootStrap
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Node.js

Code & Docs

YelpCamp home page

The purpose

This is a web application allowing the user to create and review campgrounds, similar to a review site like Yelp or Tripadvisor.

The project forms a major part of Colt Steele's Web Developer Bootcamp on Udemy. It features full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Destroy) functionality, and is built using the MongoDB/Express/Node stack, with RESTful architecture (exposing CRUD functionality to users with a uniform interface). The app is styled using CSS and BootStrap components, and is also soon to be expanded with React components.

YelpCamp has proved to be a fantastic first-hand learning exercise, working with the many fundamental considerations that go into fully building and launching a live full-stack application. This includes building on core CRUD functionality with a number of extra technologies to enhance features like form validation, user authentication, authorization/permissions, and multiple means of dealing with common security issues, along with additional UI features such as animated review ratings and geocoded cluster maps.

Experience with this app has definitely inspired, and will form the foundation for, building future full-stack applications.

YelpCamp features


  • Register / login functionality, with server-side authentication and specific authorization/permissions for campgrounds linked to a user's id and session/cookie data;
  • CRUD (Create, Read, Update/Edit, Destroy) functionality for campgrounds and reviews (for logged in users);
  • Flash success/error messages providing user feedback for login, registration, and create/edit/delete actions;
  • Client-side form validations using BootStrap, server-side data validation with Express (incl. custom error-handling middleware) and JOI;
  • Multiple image uploading functionality;
  • Cluster map displaying all campgrounds.

Web Stack & Tech

This project taught me to use a wide range of tech, building on the MongoDB/Express/Node stack with numerous libraries, while also making considered choices about the best tools for each task. For some key examples:

I used EJS to create page templates, with consistent 'partial' layout elements such as a navbar, footer and error messaging. The library also allowed me to embed or interpolate JS for dynamically updated content which could be linked to the user-specific authorization/permissions - for example, showing and hiding the option to leave a review depending on the user's login status, and the option to delete a campground or review only if they are the author of that particular campground or review.

I used Express for server-side routing, due to its wide support and flexibility. I was able to extend its functionality with libraries such as express-session, connect-flash, Passport, and express-mongo-sanitize, while creating my own custom middleware for general error handling, handling async processes, and validation. This helped from a development perspective, while also improving the user experience with more useful feedback.

Data persistence and relationships were managed with MongoDB, a noSQL database, and Mongoose, which extends this with the ability to define consistent data schemas/models. While a 'relational' or SQL-based database would also have worked, MongoDB was chosen because of its frequent pairing and compatibility with both Express and Node.js. This was then ported to MongoDB Atlas, a cloud-based equivalent, easing the transition from a local project to a web-based app. Using Atlas also allowed me to separate my development environment from my production environment, when testing features of the database.

I implemented client-side validations using BootStrap, with 'toast' pop-up notifications to provide user feedback, and added some server-side data validations using Mongoose schemas. For added security, this functionality was extended with the joi library, which allowed me to include further server-side validations in the event of any incoming data that bypasses the app's form submission layer, e.g. those made via external API requests.

The course taught me some very useful fundamentals in terms of authenticating a user from scratch, but to simplify the process I used Passport.js middleware, which provides pre-defined 'strategies' for authenticating usernames/passwords. This was extended with passport-local-mongoose, which adds useful methods to the Mongoose data model, while allowing sensitive user data to be stored in secure, encrypted (salted and hashed) form. The end result is a robust and secure registration and login process.

The app includes uploading functionality for multiple images, for which I used Multer middleware to parse the multipart/form-data (used for submitting image files). The images are hosted and accessed via the Cloudinary API using multer-storage-cloudinary, rather than directly in the database, which would have limited their file size.

I used Mapbox's geocoding API to produce GeoJSON coordinates, and the Mapbox GL JS API for displaying campgrounds on individual maps, as well as a combined cluster map, to which I added customized styling, popup navigation links, and additional controls.

YelpCamp tech


Apart from being the most complex and comprehensive app I have worked on to-date, this was my first time working with a 'full-stack' of tech, from front-end layout design, to server-side frameworks like Express, and databases like MongoDB. This naturally taught me a great deal about approaches to troubleshooting and problem-solving.

The interdependence between the many changing parts of a full-stack application, from front-end to back-end, definitely introduces more complexity than with a simpler single-page application. Introducing extra features began to 'break' other parts of the application in unexpected ways.

For example, adding image uploading functionality impacted the back-end validation required for creating new campgrounds - this was dependent on a specific data model, which had now been modified to handle file uploads. The isssue was initially difficult to diagnose, as it returned 'undefined' errors rather than standard validation errors. This really highlighted the importance of testing and debugging at every stage of development, as well as clear error handling. I found that taking a modular approach to app-building made it far easier to isolate the issue to specific files/functions, in tandem with Git version control, which allowed me to identify the specific changes triggering the issue.

As an 'unopinionated' framework, Express is very flexible to work with, but with this naturally comes the potential for undesired issues. Working with middleware required some careful consideration in terms of program flow. Defining my own error-handling middleware was certainly very helpful for logging and debugging, but also chaining these correctly was crucial - at one point, failing to use 'next()' in a simple logger caused a lot of extra problems!

Building an app with a large number of features not only introduces many different options, but adds complexity when bridging the gap between different tech that can achieve similar things. For example, there are many ways to approach validation for form data. After adding both BootStrap validation and JOI server-side validation, there was some conflict - while my front-end markup did not define all fields as 'required', JOI still expected non-empty values, so would throw errors. I therefore had to update my JOI schema to explicitly allow certain empty fields, keeping the two 'in sync.' There were also some complications with review star ratings, whereby a '0' star rating would fail validations, and some extra considerations needed when working with data models that included nested objects.

This was my first time deploying an app to a 'live' production environment outside of GitHub Pages, so I needed to familiarise myself with the Heroku ecosystem, including how to securely apply environment variables. I also needed to consider the separation between development and production environments, in terms of securely handling 'real' user data, and testing before deployment.

YelpCamp challengesYelpCamp challengesYelpCamp challengesYelpCamp challenges


The scope of this project was large, and I learned a lot about the many considerations that go into building a full-stack CRUD application.

Overall, the project was a really good exercise in breaking an app down into all of its component parts, while also understanding how they interrelate. I learned how to approach app-building in a modular way - through templating pages, and by creating middleware that can be re-used throughout the app. This avoids duplicating code, and makes things cleaner, easier to read and maintain - really important for projects of any size! One approach taken was using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern, which taught me how to practically implement a 'separation of concerns' for different parts of the app.

YelpCamp taught me, first-hand, the benefits of using RESTful routing patterns as a blueprint for the app's CRUD functionality, making the app easier to structure, understand, and ultimately, maintain. This was achieved by linking each user interaction with an associated HTTP verb (e.g. get, post, put, delete), which maps the client-side to an associated server-side function.

In setting up login/register functionality for users, I learned about ways to authenticate users by securely storing their password and other data (with encryption), and using this to confirm their login. I then considered authorization - in addition to requiring a login to access certain content or functions in general, the app would need to apply specific permissions depending on the user, and use server-side security measures to restrict access, as well as hiding content.

To implement this authorization, I needed to make HTTP requests 'stateful' using session and cookie data, which means allowing the app to remember the status of a logged in user and their permissions. This is achieved server-side using session data (with express-session), and passed to the client for cookie-based authentication. To enable cookie signing and parsing, I used the cookie-parser middleware.

The project was a great introduction to data models and relationships. In Mongo, I established a link between models for campgrounds, campground authors, reviews and review authors, using referencing that I built into each data 'schema.' This worked very effectively for a 'one to many' data relationship, such as campgrounds and their associated reviews. In future I hope to explore the possibilities of more complex 'two-way referencing,' as well as comparing with an SQL-based approach.

I learned how to effectively 'seed' my database in a testing environment, which I needed to do multiple times throughout development as my app's data structure evolved. I used the Unsplash Source API to fetch a series of images from a collection, and populated the rest of the data with randomised location names, descriptors, and geocoding data.

While there is plenty more to expore in this area, the project taught me how to address many security concerns, such as database injections, cross-site scripting, and cookie theft. Methods for addressing this included but were not limited to: 'sanitizing' form inputs to prevent unwanted HTML scripting, protecting cookie data by making it accessible via HTTP only, hiding stack trace errors, encrypting password and user data, setting HTTP response headers and a content security policy for resources (using Helmet), and protecting server-side routes from unwanted or unauthorized requests.

Finally, the scope for improving any app is huge, and there are many potential future considerations - for example, further security concerns, requiring server-side limits image uploads and other app usage, and many potential design/UX improvements.

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